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On this page:
✔️ Motivation
✔️ Background Info
✔️ Your Task
✔️ Requirements
✔️ Handing in
✔️ Grade Breakdown

Motivation (Why are we doing this?)

This lab will help you ensure you’re set up to code in C++ for the class and will also allow you to gain experience with an autograder used often in industry during interviews.

Background Info

Coding challenges have become more and more common as a part of the interview process for software engineeering internships and jobs. These coding challenges, usually timed, make use of an automated tester to determine whether your code works as expected. Today we’ll be setting you up with one of the many websites that offer this service. If you’d like to explore others, check out the ones listed on the resource page.

Your Task

  1. Sign up on Hacker Rank and complete any one C++ challenge. Take a screenshot showing you’ve successfully completed it.
  2. Set up the IDE you’ll be using for the class. Download and install it if necessary, and write a short program that prints out “Hello name” where name is your name. Take a screenshot of your IDE and console showing the expected output.
  3. Explore the debugger of your chosen IDE. We have some tutorials available on the resource page

Common 212 editors:

  • CS50 IDE (online, github auth)
  • CLion (cross-platform)
  • VS Code (cross-platform)
  • Visual Studio (Windows)
  • XCode (Mac)
  • Can also go old school and use traditional text-editors + Command Line Debugging– GDB is a great debugger!


Your submission will be manually checked to ensure it meets the following specifications:

  1. Document includes both screenshots, as specified above
  2. Screenshot shows successful completion of HackerRank challenge
  3. Screenshot shows successful compliation and execution of program on IDE of choice

Handing in

Place both screenshots onto a single document and upload it to Gradescope.

Grade Breakdown

You must successfully meet requirements 1 through 3 in order to receive credit for this assignment.

To receive any credit at all, you must abide by our Collaboration and Academic Honesty Policy. Failure to do so may result in a failing grade in the class and/or further disciplinary action.