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On this page:
✔️ Using the Autograder to your advantage
✔️ How to resubmit
✔️ Last day to resubmit

Using the Autograder to your advantage

Many students are afraid of autograders and think that autograders are “out to get” them. However, autograders aren’t students’ enemy— they allow you to test your code early and often so you can find and fix errors quickly rather than handing in broken code and not finding out until it’s too late to fix. If you do a good job of writing tests for your code, you and the autograder will get along just fine! If you cut corners with your own testing, you’re going to have a tense relationship.

All an autograder is, is an automated tester– it runs a set of predetermined tests and confirms that your program’s output is what we expect it to be. Automated testing has become fairly standard in industry as it’s scalable and ensures applications don’t break with the addition of new features or any code changes.

All in all, automated testing is a huge time-saver for both instructors, students, and software developers in industry, as long as they’re used correctly of course– which means starting code early and using the automated testing to help you find and fix errors AFTER having done your own testing, otherwise it’s of course going to seem like the bad guy if students aren’t thinking ahead and finding ways to test and debug on their own beforehand.

How to resubmit

Assignments will a soft deadline and a hard deadline. The soft deadline is designed to help you stay on track with the course in a manageable manner. The hard dealine is the absolute last day to (re)submit anything via Gradescope. You can resubmit any lab, as many times as you’d like, by clicking the “Resubmit assignment” button on the lower right side of the autograder results page.

Last day to resubmit

You have until Friday, July 30th @ 8:00pm to resubmit any lab.