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Reminder that you must complete the pre-reading before each class.

On this page:
✔️ Pre-reading for Tuesday 7/27
✔️ Pre-reading for Wednesday 7/28
✔️ Pre-reading for Thursday 7/29

Pre-Reading for Intro to Graphs

Essential Questions

Before attending class, please complete the material below and use the following questions to guide your note-taking:

✔️ What is a graph and what purpose does it serve?
✔️ What are the various types of graphs and some of their uses/applications?
✔️ What are some ways to represent graphs in code?


Before attending class, please complete the material below:

Pre-Reading for BFS & DFS

Essential Questions

Before attending class, please complete the material below and use the following questions to guide your note-taking:

✔️ How does BFS work?
✔️ How does DFS work?
✔️ What’s the time complexity of BFS?
✔️ What’s the time complexity of DFS?


Pre-Reading for Dijkstra (and closing)

Essential Questions

Before attending class, please complete the material below and use the following questions to guide your note-taking:

✔️ What is Dijkstra’s algorithm and purpose does it serve?
✔️ How does Dijkstra’s algorithm work?
✔️ How can I use what I’ve learned in this class to prepare for technical interviews?
✔️ What kinds of questions should I expect during an interview?
