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Reminder that you must complete the pre-reading before each class.

On this page:
✔️ Pre-reading for Tuesday 5/25
✔️ Pre-reading for Wednesday 5/26
✔️ Pre-reading for Thursday 5/27

Pre-Reading for Intro & Setup

Essential Questions

Before attending class, please complete the material below and use the following questions to guide your note-taking:

✔️ What is the importance of learning algorithms and data structures?
✔️ What is the course structure and what are the course policies?
✔️ How can I thrive in a flipped environment?
✔️ How can I make sure the autograder and I get along?


Before attending class, please complete the material below:

Pre-Reading for C++ Crash Course

If this is the first time you’re using C++, please refer to the C++ Programming tutorials available on the resource page.

Essential Questions

Before attending class, please complete the material below and use the following questions to guide your note-taking:

✔️ How and when should “#include” be used?
✔️ Why should I avoid using a namespace?
✔️ How do I read and use C++ documentation?
✔️ What does solving a problem using C++ look like?


Before attending class, please complete the material below:

Pre-Reading for Object Oriented Programming

This is a hefty unit designed for people with no OOP experience. If you’ve done object oriented programming before, you may skim material as you see fit.

Essential Questions

Before attending class, please complete the material below and use the following questions to guide your note-taking:

✔️ What is a class and how do you create your own?
✔️ What is an object and what are they created from?
✔️ How do objects store data and how can we access said data?
✔️ What purpose do member variables and member functions serve?
✔️ What are accessors (getters) and mutators (setters)?
✔️ What is a constructor?
✔️ What does it mean to overload a function? Overload a constructor?
✔️ What’s the difference between passing an object by value vs passing it by reference?
✔️ How do you return an object from a function?
✔️ What is object composition and what purpose does it serve?
✔️ How should code be organized into its respective files?
✔️ How should you determine what classes to create for a project?
✔️ How should you determine what member variables and member functions a class should have?


Please download this PDF textbook to complete the “Gaddis” readings below and to use for future reference.

Before attending class, please complete the material below, in the order listed: