Reminder that you must complete the pre-reading before each class.
On this page:
✔️ Pre-reading for Tuesday 7/13
✔️ Pre-reading for Wednesday 7/14
✔️ Pre-reading for Thursday 7/15
Pre-Reading for Introduction to trees
Essential Questions
Before attending class, please complete the material below and use the following questions to guide your note-taking:
✔️ What is a tree?
✔️ What’re the different ways to traverse a tree?
✔️ What’re the steps necessary to determine the height of a tree?
✔️ What’re the steps necessary to determine if a tree is full or complete?
Before attending class, please complete the material below:
- Read Lab 19 Handout
- Read Evan’s Tree Guide
- Watch Binary Tree Bootcamp (20 min)
- We focus on binary trees of all trees since you’ll be seeing a special type of binary tree tomorrow (binary search trees!).
Pre-Reading for Binary Search Tree
Essential Questions
Before attending class, please complete the material below and use the following questions to guide your note-taking:
✔️ What is a binary search tree?
✔️ What makes a binary search tree special/unique?
✔️ What’re the steps necessary to insert an element into a BST?
✔️ What’re the steps necessary to delete an element from a BST?
✔️ What’re the steps necessary to search for an element in a BST?
Before attending class, please complete the material below:
- Read Binary Search Trees
- Watch Binary Search Tree (6 min)
- Watch Binary Search Trees (BST) Explained in Animated Demo (6 min)
Check out this BST Visualizer
Pre-Reading for BST Analysis
Essential Questions
Before attending class, please complete the material below and use the following questions to guide your note-taking:
✔️ What is the average and worst time complexity of inserting into a BST?
✔️ What is the average and worst time complexity of deleting from a BST?
✔️ What is the average and worst time complexity of searching a BST?
Before attending class, please complete the material below:
- Read BST Analysis
- Note that the worst-case given assumes a balanced tree; ideally want to define in terms of height rather than nodes (since height will give us a more accurate answer). Watch video below to understand time complexity in terms of height.
- Watch Time Complexities of Binary Search Trees Operations (10 min)