This Week (7/26-7/30)
- Readings for
- These readings will introduce you to the concept of Graphs.
- Tuesday Lab
- This lab will help you solidify your understanding of graphs.
- Readings for
- These readings will teach you about BFS & DFS, a special type of tree.
- Wednesday Lab
- Continued from Tuesday. This lab will help you solidify your understanding of graphs, BFS, and DFS.
- Readings for
- Continued from Wednesday. These readings will teach you about Dijkstra,
- [Thursday Lab]
- Final lab of the semester/session! Dijkstra meets reflection.
Past Assignments
Week 9 (7/19-7/23)
- Self-Balancing Trees
- Heaps
- Heapsort
Week 8 (7/12-7/16)
Week 7 (7/5-7/9)
- Analyzing recursive functions
- Recursive Backtracking
Week 6 (7/5-7/9)
- Recursion Crash Course
- Mergesort
- Quicksort
Week 5 (6/21-6/25)
- Queues
- Stacks
- Priority Queues
Week 4 (6/14-6/18)
- Pointers and memory
- Linked lists
Week 3 (6/7-6/11)
- Binary search
- Sets and Maps
- Hashmaps
Week 2 (6/1-6/4)
- Essential Math & Intro to Analysis ff Algos
- Dynamic Arrays
- Basic Sorting Algos
Week 1 (5/24-5/28)
- Intro & Setup
- C++ Crash Course
- OOP Crash Course